Celebrating Individuality With Bespoke Memorials

Your Life, Your Story, Your Celebration

Celebrating Individuality With Bespoke Memorials

Your Life, Your Story, Your Celebration

Welcome To William R Groves Funeral Service

When you entrust us with your loved one, we treat them as though they are one of our family members. We are not immune to the highs and lows of grief, but we are here for you; to help you tell your story about your loved one. We laugh and cry with you, but as professional people we make sure that you are all that matters during this time of loss.

William R. Groves

Funeral Options and Helpful Resources

Contact Us

William R. Groves

William R. Groves

We have 2 locations in Picton And Camden.

Our offices are open Monday to Friday
8.30am – 4.30pm(and other times by appointment)

Our friendly staff are on call 24 hours a day, every day of the week.


    Location Address
    62 John St Camden NSW 2570

    Phone Number
    02 4655 6433


    Location Address
    365 Argyle St Picton NSW 2571

    Phone Number
    02 4677 1644